Ten Ribbons

Thank you for playing the Do Good Donor Game. Your HOPE Ribbons for this section have already been counted.

Thank you for sharing with your family and friends why and how to become a volunteer in the stem cell registries.

We have sent the number of emails that you have authorized; up to a maximum of three.

In this DGDG submodule you had the ability to earn up to 10 additional HOPE ribbons for valid emails sent:

If you entered one email address you have earned one (1) additional HOPE Ribbon.
If you entered two email addresses you have earned five (5) additional HOPE Ribbons.
If you entered three email addresses you have earned ten (10) additional HOPE Ribbons.

Again, by sending these emails you have not obligated yourself, your family members or your friends in anyway. You have simply shared important information about the stem cell registries. Our hope is that your family and friends will also join a volunteer stem cell registry of their choosing and continue to help save lives. Thank you!

To date, our total ribbon count is:


*The information provided is intended only as a helpful resource. Can Do Coalition does not endorse any specific registry.